Software Project Management – Entire Course – Slides
$3.00 – $6.00
PowerPoint Presentation Title: Software Project Management –Entire Course – Slides
No.of PPT Files: 8 (EIGHT) Separate PPT files;
Total: 222 (two hundred and twenty two) Slides
Year of Publication: 2018
This set of files gives introduction to Software Project Management, describes software development life cycles, software project initiation, planning, execution and control. Software Risk management, software team performance and productivity, Critical Success Factors of Software Projects, and Managing multiple projects are also discussed.
- Software Project Management: Introduction : PPT defines project and project management; and describes the characteristics of software projects, problems with software projects, reported problematic projects. Setting Project Objectives, Project feasibility study contents, and contents of project plan are also explained in the PPT.
- Software Project Management: Software Development Life Cycles: PPT describes the project analysis, choosing methodologies & technologies, analysing project characteristics, selecting general life cycle approach and contents of technical plan. It also explains the software development process models such as Waterfall model, V-Process Model, Incremental Delivery Model, Spiral Model, Prototyping Approach, Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM), Extreme Programming (XP) and Iterative Process Model.
- Software Project Management: Overview of Project Planning: This PPT covers the stepwise project planning activities, Activity Planning, Creation of Project Schedules, Identifying Activities, Work Breakdown Structure. Network Diagrams, Software Effort Estimation Techniques, Function Point Analysis, Top-Down, Bottom-Up Approaches, COCOMO model are discussed as well.
- Software Project Management: Execution & Control: This PPT describes resource allocation, managing people and organizing teams, Frederic Taylor’s Scientific Management, Donald McGregor Theory X & Theory Y. Motivational theories such as Maslow’s need hierarchy theory, Herzberg’s two factor theory, Expectancy Theory of Management, Taylorist Model, Group Decision Making, Software project monitoring and controlling using Earned Value Analysis (EVA) are covered.
- Software Project Management: Risk Management: This PPT defines risk, categories of risks, risk characteristics, and explains processes such as identification of risks, risk analysis and prioritization, risk planning and risk monitoring. Barry Boehm’s list of software project risks, and Evaluating risks to project schedule are also covered in this PPT.
- Software Team Performance and Productivity: This PPT defines team and explains distinction between Group and Team, Characteristics of Successful Teams, Reasons for Conflicts in Teams, Conflict Resolution Techniques, Some of the Best Practices, and Soft Factors Impacting Software Team Productivity and Performance.
- Critical Success Factors for Software Projects: Project Success is defined as Project Management Success and Product Success. This presentation categories the factors impacting software project success into environmental factors, communication factors, organizational factors, product factors, project management factors, team factors and technical factors. Each of the critical success factors is explained.
- Managing Multiple Projects: This PPT describes Multi Project Environment, Multi Project Challenges, Program Management Framework, Program Life Cycle, and mentions the 9 Program Management Knowledge Areas. How to deal with multiple projects is also explained.
File Format: Microsoft PPT files