
Management Insights from Bhagavad Gita: In Diagrams


Paper Title:  Management Insights from Bhagavad Gita: In Diagrams/Figures

Year of Publication: 2019

No. of Pages: 12 (twelve Pages)

File Format: PDF

Abstract: 5000 year old Bhagavad Gita has proved to be the effective solution to current day organizational stress, pressures and tasks. Not only in India, but also western MNCs are using Bhagavad Gita as effective tool to manage their workforce. This paper describes relating Bhagavad Gita to the modern Management School of Thought illustrating (with diagrams):  strategy, leadership, individual behavior and characteristics, Organizational Culture, Moral Values, Project Management, decision making, Managerial effectiveness and performance. It brings out the management insights useful for current day organizations in dealing with human beings. The models given in this paper can also be used as research/conceptual models for future empirical studies in the areas of Management/HRM/Project Management.


Keywords: Strategy, Leadership, Individual behavior and characteristics, Organizational Culture, Moral Values, Project Management, Decision Making, Team Performance, Organizational performance

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