Making Food Available in Airports As is happening in Indian Railways
Case Study/Exercise: Making Food Available in Airports As is happening in Indian Railways
Year of Publication: 2019
No. of Pages: 3 (Three Pages)
This Case study discusses the problem and solution for/how to supply and sell food at lower prices in Indian airports as is going on in Indian Railways for very long time. For more than 2 decades, food prices at Indian airports are 5 to 6 times higher than outside market or Indian Railways prices. Can we solve this case study using management discipline?
Solution is an innovative approach involving different disciplines of management. The provided Case Study solution discusses Indian Airports traffic, statistics on Indian Railways passengers, The economics behind the problem, Solution with different management disciplines involved, key areas to concentrate and a crazy idea.
(Note: Please remember, it is only for learning and problem solving purposes from academic point of view. It is not to influence or effect anyone. There can be many ways to address this management case study.)
Keywords: Supply Chain, Logistics, Finance, Raw Material, Airport, Indian Railways